Thursday, July 14, 2005

Greatest theologian of all time?

Do you agree?


At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calvin? Hardly. He essentially borrowed Augustine's theology and launched it into theological hyperspace. Why not Augustine himself? (To my knowledge he never had anyone burned at the stake.)

At 8:44 PM, Blogger Matt Friedeman said...


I know Wesley wasn't a "theologian" but I will still rely on a theology based on holy love and is lived out on the highways and byways of the spiritually hungry, the poor and the lowly, the prisoners and the outcasts of the Anglican Church.

Orthodoxy is but a small slice of Christianity, if it can be counted a slice at all (a Wesley paraphrase). In the great tradition of Jesus and His brother James you must do something about it. Wesley did. And did some pretty good theologizing along the way through his journals, letters, sermons, hymns and other writings. That is why he is my man for all seasons.

Darn that marriage!


At 10:19 AM, Blogger Steve Blakemore said...

The greatest theologian... Hmmm? If one counts that on the basis of influence, then Thomas Aquinas has had the most wide spread influence, since Thomism has been embraced by Roman Catholic thinkers and Catholicism counts for more Christians than any other branch of Christianity. I'd vote for him for any number of reasons, because he addresses a wide range of topics all the way from metaphysics to works of mercy.


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