Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tuesday morning evangelistic smack-down, vii

Effect Has Been Small
Martin Marty of the University of Chicago pulled no punches in describing contemporary evangelicalism in the Wall Street Journal some years back. “If you’re part of the evangelical subculture,” he said, “it’s your whole life….you go to church, you buy religious books, you watch the television programs. But if you’re not part of the subculture, you never know it exists.”

The subtitle of the Journal article reflect the author’s findings:

An Evangelical Revival is Sweeping the Nation But with Little Effect

Shunning the Sinful World

Effect Has Been Small

Shying from Involvement
(The Master Plan of Teaching, Friedeman)

The great end of life?
"The great end of life is not knowledge, but action. What men need is as much knowledge as they can organize for action; give them more and it may become injurious. Some men are heavy and stupid from undigested learning" (Thomas Huxley)

Perspective on “one of the greatest”
“I hate to meet John Wesley; the dog enchants you with his conversation, and then breaks away to go and visit some old woman!” (Samuel Johnson)

Full Time Christian Workers per Million People:
USA – 5,508,
Marshall Islands – 8,313.1,
Monaco – 7,738.8,
Samoa – 18,325.9,
Tonga – 10,147.5,
Afghanistan – 3.1,
Bangladesh, 26.3,
China – 82.4,
Czech Republic – 536.9,
Haiti – 559.5,
Japan – 185.5,
North Korea – 7.1. (World Christian Encyclopedia)

Confused? Ministering to the "confused"?
There is a confusion that leads to death and there is a confusion that leads to life. (Jerome, Commentary on Ezekiel 16.52)



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