Friday, April 15, 2005

Best way to evangelize a serious pagan

Leave a post...would love to know your perspective...


At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simply love them and share the gospel. Extend your life of radical love and integrity to them, verbally express the gospel and...more cases than not, they will come.

At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a former pagan (Celtic Eclectic if anyone is interested) I prided myself on being able to make it rain during a drought, read my friend's tarot cards and whatnot. The goddess favored me, I thought. I began getting interested in paganism at about 13. At first, it was just kinda cool, then I met some serious pagans who really took their beliefs seriously. They really impacted me to start learning more about the religion. I was a devout pagan for almost 6 years and my husband, having searched for the truth for several years, finally heard from God and now he KNOWS that Christ was the messiah, and died for all our sins. He wanted me to go to church with him, so we would provide a unified front for our children. My church family simply LOVED me, until I couldn't stand it anymore. I knew that they had something I didn't. I was sitting in church one sunday, and the pastor gave an altar call. A little voice inside said "Now is the time, make your choice" I got up, walked to the pastor and declared that Jesus was my saviour, he died on the cross to save me from my sins, and that I believe in his forgiving grace & mercy. All that being said, the ONLY way to bring people to Christ is to WALK the walk. Talking about him, telling others how much he has done for you, none of that works. If your life does not impact others with the LOVE of God, then you will not be a successfull withness for Christ. That means, if you have a pagan come into your church or a gothic teenager walk up to you in the mall, if you don't treat them like they are the most important person in your life at that moment, you have just lost. Don't look at the makeup, don't look at the pentacle they might be wearing, don't look at their clothing, their hairstyles or anything else. Look at them and see someone who is in the same position you once were; lost, searching and going straight to hell. Someone loved you enough to tell you about Jesus, no matter what you were at the time, so do that for others.


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