Friday, July 01, 2005

Matt's latest AgapePress column

What if they muddying of the waters is the fault of (gasp) the Church? What if the Supreme Court and the constitutional scholars and the various levels of government and the business community and law enforcement and the educational establishment and the arts community and ... well, every institution, culture and people group that make up a collective "culture" ... lack moral clarity because of an anemic, inward-bound, self-aggrandizing Church that is confused about the verity of its Scripture, the tenets of its faith, the purpose of its existence, the priestly service it is called to exercise and the impact it is to have on contemporary life?

If Murchison is right and the culture is to blame, then who is at fault for the culture?

A Church that wants the Ten Commandments freely displayed on public grounds should perhaps also be a Church that has those imperatives written across her heart and memory and, more to the point, her practice.

My hunch? Not ten percent of those who think the Ten Commandments belong in the public square could name all ten. Could we be contending for something we do not know and which we hardly apply? More


At 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What if they muddying of the waters is the fault of (gasp) the Church?"

This is one of the main reasons I joined the Mormon Church when I was 18. Christianity is, as Adam taught in the Mormon Temple Ceremony, "a mass of confusion".

Let's take The Ten Commandments as an example. If Jesus came to fulfill the Law, if old things are done away in him...then why this mad rush to post the Ten Commandments (the law) everywhere? WHY NOT POST THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT?

So again, why does the modern Christian Church have such a fetish over the Ten Commandments? Because it's the hip, trendy thing to do. Like the WWJD braclets of the 1990s, Evangelicals have found the a new hobby horse to ride.

Thank the gods I'm an agnostic now!


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