Heroes - who will they be?
How about opening up this question to the listeners:
The passing away of Rev. Falwell, Rev. Adrian Rogers and, most recently, Rev. D. James Kennedy has left a hole in our defenses. Both men have been instrumental in helping to stem the tide of secular humanism from flowing over into the church. Who will be the next person to stand up and take their place on the front lines?
I've thought a lot about this. Many of our "heroes" of the faith are now much older and may soon see the Lord. Even spiritual icons like Billy Graham have approached their twilight years and cannot engage the enemy as staunchly as before.
This, I believe, is a good time to revive your call to arms for people to get in the fight. Not just politically, but on the front lines, with their neighbors and friends and families. Who knows? Maybe the next Dr. Dobson will be listening.
Thank you
Labels: Heroes
It's an interesting question, isn't it? I have a sneaking hunch that the "rising stars," "heroes," whatever... of the coming generation won't look like those of this passing generation. Some of that is good... some of that is bad... but that was probably said of these dying heroes when they were "rising" too, no doubt.
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