Pat, Pat...

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson called on Monday for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, calling him a "terrific danger" to the United States.
Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former presidential candidate, said on "The 700 Club" it was the United States' duty to stop Chavez from making Venezuela a "launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism."
Chavez has emerged as one of the most outspoken critics of President Bush, accusing the United States of conspiring to topple his government and possibly backing plots to assassinate him. U.S. officials have called the accusations ridiculous.
"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it," Robertson said. "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."
Hey there-
You said: We know, in Christian tradition, there is such a thing as a Just War.
I'd modify to say: Many say that in Christian tradition there is such a thing as Just War. (Because there are many who say there isn't as well.)
Further, to answer your question:
Sure, Pat Robertson can say that. But he may not be right in saying it.
It's sad that his justification points to money.
- J
Hee Hee Hee. There he goes again. Just about every 3 years, we can depend on Pat to pontificate with some great words of wisdom....
Pat Robertson is getting too much heat for this. Alot of people have said similar statements just not in front of a camera.Did he have a right to say it? Sure he did.He can have an opinion.I wish more Americans would stop being afraid of the media.
Thinking in Ohio, you shouldn't insinuate Mr. Robertson is an idiot or the people on TBN. Namecalling isn't Christian-like.Are you not willing to look like an "idiot" for Christ's name?You seem awful concerned with what the world thinks.
You shouldn't be concerned with how the world views us. Of course they will hate and mock us.You can't please the world and God. I know TBN is zany but I have been helped and encouraged by certain programs. Take The WAy of the Master.There is nothing kooky or embarrassing about it. It is the most biblical and informative Christain teaching I've come across. Have you heard of it? I wouldn't call the folks at TBN unChistian because surely some of them are.I find there is always weeds in the crops no matter where you are. I know many teachings are misleading but I sincerely hope people turn back to the things that please God. Oh,yes,people definitely need to throw their TV's away and read their Bibles.All the answers are there.
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