Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Half doubt God exists

Get this:
Nearly half of Americans are not sure God exists, according to a poll that also found divisions among the public on whether God is male or female or whether God has a human form and has control over events.

The survey conducted by Harris Poll found that 42 percent of US adults are not "absolutely certain" there is a God compared to 34 percent who felt that way when asked the same question three years ago.

More here.

Never been a better time, apparently, to take evangelism seriously. And, undoubtedly, never have so few in America been willing to do just that.


At 1:00 PM, Blogger aedney said...

Its my opinion that Christians have just squandered the opportunities we have had to let our actions speak louder than words. I think people are taking notice that as far as actions go, there is not a big observable difference between Christians and non-Christians. The political party that claims to represent the Religious Right does the same stuff as the one that they claim is sinner-filled. When people question what and who Christians are, their next move is to question God's existence.


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