(AgapePress) - I know of a church that recently interviewed a prospective pastor. The congregation was impressed with him and asked the superintendent to extend a job offer. The pastor declined, citing that church's obvious problems on the issue of race. As in, we don't want them in here.
Martin Luther King, Jr., celebrations this week ought to spark, at the least, some questions in our minds about racial reconciliation in this country. As in -- do I really actively love persons of another race like God wants me to? When Jesus suggested that loving one's neighbor was one of the tandem commands that fulfilled the Law and the prophets, He illustrated that "neighborly" passage with a story about a man of a hated race (Luke 10:27-37).
Other questions: What am I proactively doing in my community to promote loving others of a different hue? What is my family doing? My church?
Typical answer -- not a thing. More